General information, sailing schedules. 5.58. Paper list opens to 622. May 16 1914. 8 pages + covers. 4 page folder. Feb 2 1928. The application for refund, however, must be filed with the U.S. Immigration Authorities within 120 days of the actual date of crossing the border from Canada into the U.S. First and Second Class Passenger List. 58. 14 I class, 63 II class & 916 Steerage passengers. Information, sailing schedule, track chart. Exterior illustration of 2 funnel steamer on cover. 57.75. Cabin Passenger List. NY-Glasgow. Hamburg-NY, July 29 1892. April 12 1950. June 9 1933. NY-Glasgow, June 14 1884. 4 pages + covers. 4.57. Aug 7 1915. 24 pages + hard covers. 5.58.5. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Winifredian Available at the GG Archives. Nice tip in illustration of the liner. Exterior color photo. 12 pages + covers. 20 pages + covers. Text, map, mileage chart, information. 4.57.5. Sailing schedules, information. General information. Oct 9 1965. From Liverpool. March 15 1913. Cabin Passenger List. 5.58.25. 36 pages + covers. Le Havre-NY, Oct 3 1953. 85.5. 24 pages + covers. Contains Itinerary, Passenger List, text, bound reproductions of all of the Daily Cruise News Information sheets and Programs that were issued during the cruise. NY-Bremen. 20 pages + covers. Dad went to Egypt in SS Samaria 1943 in time for Alamein. July 30 1966. Colorful covers with exterior illustration of liner. Feb 10 1934. 8 pages + covers. 48.5. July 11 1952. 20 pages + covers. 4 page folder. Illustration of a liner on cover panel. Feb 17 1968. (NASM Passenger List) 413.25. 3 holes punched on left margin. Track chart, space for log. First Class Passenger List. Routes: Liverpool to Boston; Boston to Liverpool; Liverpool to New York and Boston via Queenstown (Cobh); Liverpool to Boston via Queenstown (Cobh); and Trieste to New York via Fiume, Patras, Naples, and Gibraltar. Honolulu-Los Angeles. Aug 15 1950. 8 pages + covers. Listing of Officers. 4 pages + covers. 32 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. Covers badly frayed. 5.257.5. Nice color covers with illustration of a 2 mast 2 funnel liner, like the Blucher. 4.57. San Francisco-NY. Montreal-Liverpool, June 27 1897. This liner normally sailed for the Dominion Line, but was chartered by American Line for a few voyages. 4.56.5. Built by Cammell, Laird & Co., Birkenhead, England. SS United States Passenger Lists 1912-1924. NY-Genoa. Many thanks to Ted Finch for his assistance in collecting this data. List of cruises on the France & Antilles. Track chart on back. 1924 R.M.S.CARONIA PASSENGER list july 5th Cunard Line Canadian Service - EUR 34,02. Brief information. NY-Dublin-Havre. 5.58. 12 pages + covers. Voyage #34, from San Francisco. In good/very good overall condition given age Couple marks Sold as used 185792783840 Large White Star flag on front cover. Jan 9 1930. March 26 1937. Passenger List. List of officers, sailing schedules. 4 page folder. 8 pages + covers. Passenger List. Track chart on back, Sailing schedule. Passenger List. June 16 1954. Passenger List. Had been . 3.56. Passenger List. Passenger List. Small photo of ship. Exterior photo on cover. 4 pages + covers. 5.57. Bermuda cruise. Sailings, list of offices. Aug 1 1906. 20 pages + covers. Track chart on rear cover. 4 pages + covers. Sailing schedules, list of cruises, general information. 3.56. 5.56.5. Covers repaired to binding, some age stains. First & Second class Passenger List. Complete fleet list of over 150 liners. Several folds. First Class Passenger List. NY-Hamburg. William Gibb and Sgt Fox found my Grandad's body in the South West corner of the West Huskisson dock. Passenger List. April 20 1955. 5.258. Track chart on rear cover. Aug 24 1928. 4.57. 8 pages + covers. Aug 29 1908. 16 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. Tiny tear at right edge. Jan 4 1974. The le de France arrived in New York harbor on September 9, and while she was crossing the Atlantic Ocean, 16 vessels were sunk by torpedoes, mines, or gunfire. Route: Liverpool to Qubec and Montral. June 23 1939. Passenger List. 5.257.5. Please list alternate choices on your order when possible. First Class Passenger List. 12 pages + covers. 57.5. 4.57.75. Sept 8 1931. July 7 1939. Two masts and one funnel. 57.75. July 16 1932. Liverpool-Boston. 16 pages + covers. 4.57.25. Tourist class Passenger List. Schedule. 8 pages + covers. 18 pages + covers. Second Cabin Passenger List. Sailing schedule, listing of cruises. July 7 1906. From manilla. Rotterdam-NY, Sept 22 1897. 5.58.5. 4.57. Creased. 8 pages + covers. Space for log. Information, map, itinerary. 4.757.5. May 6 1932. List of Cabin passengers. Illustration of a ship on cover. 4 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. Tip in illustration. Southampton-NY. Saloon Passenger List. General information, fleet list, list of officers, sailing schedules. Ad for Hotel Terminus, Paris on rear cover. Reports True iff the second item (a number) is equal to the number of letters in the first item (a word). Sailing schedule, information. Aug 27 1955. June 19 1939. Rotterdam-NY. Oct 8 1910. Genoa-NY. July 3 1948. Saloon Passenger List. Excellent condition. Passenger List. 12 pages + covers. Tourist Class Passenger List. 6.259.75. 5.258. Sailings, general information. 68.25. General information for passengers. At 5.10 p.m. he was assigned A.R.P. NY-Glasgow. evacuated after MO's pressures late in the evacuation. Passenger List. First & Second Cabin Passenger List. May 29 1963. Miami-NY, March 21 1936. NY-Southampton. 4 page folder. Information, list of staff, listing of cruises, proposed sailings, offices.. English & German. '03. General information. Nov 13 1930. Sept 27 1890. Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Halifax, Nova Scotia. List of Saloon Passengers. 24 pages + covers. James Wafer S.S. Samaria (d.14th May 1943). Partial illustration of SS FRANCE on rear cover. 4 page folder. Nov 4 1891. 5.258.25. 4.57. June 13 1930. 57.5. NY-Rotterdam. The monastery 1944. 4 page paper folder. July 4 1952. 20 pages + covers. Apr 13 1937. 4.57.5. 5.58.25. Halifax cruise. First Class Passenger List. 67.5. Sailing schedules for Atlantic Transport, Red Star, White Star & Panama Pacific Lines. From New Orleans. Information, sailing schedule, track chart. duty by S. Pentith 3rd officer. anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. July 1 1933. 5.57. NY-Glasgow. 8 pages + covers. Damage to left edge of cover, tear on pages. Souvenir menu & Passenger List, June 24 1933. ft.; forced draught; engine built by the same company as the hull. List of Cabin Class passengers. 8 pages + covers. Track chart, general information. Some writing on rear cover. 5.58.25. Opens to 816. (Early in her career). 16 pages + covers. Barwick Anthony Albert. First class Passenger List. Boston-Liverpool, June 20 1908. Track chart, sailing schedules, general information. Schedules, Information, list of cruises, fleet list is heralded by OLYMPIC & BRITANNIC (Building). GGA Image ID # 147268b81c. Sailings schedule, list of offices. 5.57.5. Passenger List. First Cabin Passenger List. Items from this liner are quite rare! March 30 1907. 57.5. Upper corner broken off. Second Cabin Passenger List. Southampton-NY. 4 page folder. NY-Bermuda. Items from this liner are quite rare. Glasgow-NY, May 6 1876. 69.5. 4 pages + covers. Le Havre-NY. 6.259.75. May 24 1975. Second Cabin Passenger List. NY-Hamburg. Passenger List. Boston-Liverpool, June 27 1906. Information, track chart, sailing schedule. NY-Southampton. Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. 4.58. Bow view from port side of a steamer on cover. Items from this liner are very scarce. Complete information, facts, sailing schedule. Schedules for Atlantic Transport & Red Star Lines. First Class Passenger List. June 4 1977. Although the first 12 pages are present, and ALL of the passenger names are present, numberous pages of schedules & information have been torn out of the booklet. Feb 27 1892. 4 page folder. Tourist class Passenger List. Apr 3 1958. Information, schedules. 12 pages + covers. First Class Passenger List. June 26 1936. Southampton-NY. NY-Hamburg. NY-Bermuda. Exterior photo on cover. Jan 7 1939. Basically, very good condition. First Class Passenger List. Illustration of ship on cover. Aug 9 1930. 16 pages + covers. Track chart and space for log on rear cover. NY-Bremen. Cabin class Passenger List. Most of the passengers were Americans, many of whom were tourists clamouring to leave France before the war broke out. Issued by the line for passengers on the cruise. June 2 1960. Only the title page and names, no covers or information. 4 pages + covers. Sailing schedule, list of cruises, listing of offices. 4.57. Immigrant Passenger Lists contained in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir list provided to the passengers of each cabin class (and other classes). 36 pages + covers. First & Tourist class Passenger List. NY-Le Havre. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. Nice photo of the OLYMPIC. Havre-NY. 4 pages + covers. Jan 16 1907. 12 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. 4.256. Bremen-NY. 5.58.25. Nice engraved covers. June 5 1963. 4.57. Records of SS Samaria from other sources. NY-Bermuda cruise. Cabin Passenger List. 20 pages + covers. 5.258. Illustration of the liner (with sails) on cover panel. Colorful covers with illustration of CEDRIC. Colorful covers. 5.58. Aug 24 1912. 6.258.5. Passenger List. Rotterdam-NY. 4.255.5. Listing of officers, sailings schedule. First Class Passenger List. May 8 1897. 4.58. Twin-screw, 16 1/2 knots. First class Passenger List. June 27 1939. Stephen P. Morse, San Francisco. Statistics, itinerary. Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. Space for track chart on rear cover. Had been previously folded. If you can provide any additional information, please add it here. Mar 22 1974. Those giving evidence included J. Cornwall M.N. Bermuda-NY. 16 pages + covers. Superb color illustration a liner on cover. sounds like. This list is unique, as it also contains a List of passengers booked on RMSP LA PLATA sailing 30th Jan 1907, and those booked on RMSP TAGUS sailing on 13 Feb 1907. 4 page folder. Tourist Class Passenger List. 4 pages, covers missing. NY-Genoa. 5.258.25. Opens to 6.2513.5. 24 pages + velvet covers. 12 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. Cabin Passenger List. Passenger List. New York-Liverpool, June 15 1892. Add a Name to this List
4.56.5. One page for each letter of alphabet (except I and X). Photo of the BALTIC on the rear cover. NY-Le Havre, Aug 6 1937. 48.5. 36 pages + covers. 4.57.25. 4.58.5. 68. 5.257.75. Sailing schedule. 4 pages + covers. 4 page folder. Saloon Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. 5.257.5. Sailings schedule, information. Small illustration of liner on cover. 24 pages + covers. 57.25. 20 pages + covers. Southampton-NY. This was the last ship to sail out of France for WW2, and one of the last ships to leave all of Europe. Aug 22 1903. Ad for Hotel Terminus, Paris on rear cover. Item was removed from a scrapbook, so there is some damage to the rear cover. Aug 28 1953. NY-Hamburg. May 4 1927. 6.259.5. Liverpool-Buenos Aires. 4.257.5. NY-Cuxhaven, July 15 1955. NY-Southampton. NY-Genoa, Aug 2 1949. List of services. (Only passengers names A-D are included). Nice Ismay Imrie & Co. cover. 4.57. General information, sailing schedules for various routes. 5.57. Information, sailing schedule, list of cruises, ad for massage. Had been previously folded. Passenger List. June 15 1927. Samaria 1868 - 1937 Samaria II 1922 - 1956 KS. Liverpool-NY. Sept 7 1912. NY-Bremerhaven. 58. Sailing schedule, general information, record passages. NY-West Indies-NY cruise, July 11 1964. NY-Glasgow. Aug. 28 1895. Binding repaired. Aug 16 1893. List of Second Saloon Passengers. Sailing schedules, information, fleet list. 5.57. List of officers, text, track chart. 4 pages. Quebec-London April 22 1950. . Had been previously folded. 4.257. Montreal-London. 711. Cabin Passenger List. Photo of the SANT ANNA (her sister ship) on the cover. Track chart on rear cover. Second Cabin Passenger List. Photo of liner on cover. Southampton-NY. 5.57. Photo of 3 funnel liner on cover. 4 page folder. 8 pages + covers. Itinerary, information, memo pages. 4 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. 69.5. Color illustration of the FRANCE on cover. 4 page card folder. Entertainment programme too. Quite rare, as the New York sailed as the Plattsburg for the US Government, and was named back to New York briefly before ending her career. July 16 1913. 5.258. General information, track chart, space for log. Genoa-NY. Passenger List. Sept 11 1937. July 16 1953. NY-London. Information, sailing schedule, memo pages. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Cabin & Tourist Class Passenger List. First Class Passenger List. 4.57.25. 5.58.25. Absolutely superb color graphics on both cover panels. 5.58. Passenger List. Accomplishments and Events 1. 4.58. Apr 5 1937. 4 page folder. 24 pages + covers. 69. 8 pages + covers. June 11 1926. General Information. First Class Passenger List. 57.5. 8.514. Oct 26 1950. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Slight cut on cover. 4 pages + covers. Sailing schedules. Sailing schedules, list of cruises, general information. Track chart on back cover. Opens to 712. Southampton-Vancouver, Nov 17 1937. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Sibajak Available at the GG Archives. 58. 5.257. 69. Aug 1 1969. Gdynia-Montreal. Track chart, space for log. SS Stavangerfjord Passenger Lists 1927-1954. 5.58. General information, fleet list. Tape reapir to spine. Apr 13 1932. Paste marks on rear cover. Minor tear. NY-Bermuda. Ad for transatlantic services. 24 pages + covers. Oct 1 1930. 24 pages + hard covers. Aug 18 1962. 5.257.5. Nice covers with map of St. Lawrence River. [First Class]. 16 pages + covers. First & Second Cabin Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. to retrieve any portion of the site. Aug 8 1933. 16 pages + covers. Listing of officers. Oct 17 1900. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by Boston-Naples. 4 page folder. She only sailed a few years under the American Line, and this was one of her final voyages, as she was scrapped later in 1908. Passenger List. 12 pages + covers. July 6 1905. NY-Glasgow. 16 pages + covers. Third Class Passenger List. Sailing schedule, route map, space for log, cruise ads. 8 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. NY-Cannes. 4 page folder. May 20 1911. NY-Southampton. NY-Southampton. Fleet List, sailings schedules, general information. NY-Glasgow. 5.58.25. 69.75. 4.57. Sept 5 1896. DESCRIPTION : Menu Lot from the S.S. President Cleveland 353372393020 Oct 29 1949. Second Class Passenger List. Information, map, mileage chart. 49. 4 page folder. 5.257.5. Passenger Notes: 1: Notation, in a different hand, overlapping columns 10 & 11, appears to be the initials, "SND" and underneath these initials, "by WLC". Among passengers was Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Taylor. Tape repair to several folds and seam. Also lists cabin # and complete home address. List of Passengers. Records of SS Samaria from other sources. NY-Antwerp. List of officers. Cabin & Tourist class Passenger List. 20 pages. Track chart and space for log on rear cover. NY-New Orleans. NY-Le Havre. AB. First & Tourist classes. Tape repair. NY-Hamburg. Memo pages, info on NY Taxis. 28 pages + covers. Information. 5.58.25. 4 pages + covers. Passenger List. NY-Bremerhaven. Sailing schedules, general information. Attractive cover with photo of ship. Southampton-Quebec. 1902-09-16 RMS Saxonia Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Saloon Date of Departure: 16 September 1902 5.58. 5.58.25. 57.5. From San Francisco, May 18 1959. 57.5. 4.757.5. 24 pages + covers. Passenger List. Fleet List, sailings, general information. Tourist class Passenger List. Cabin class Passenger List. IN VENDITA! 8 pages + covers. Information on services to Australia & New Zealand. Third class Passenger List. 58. Membership List of Storey Patterson Wenz European tour. Opens to 816.5. Oct 15 1937. 4.256.5. Handwritten log of all passengers. NY-Southampton. 5.257.5. NY-West Indies, Sept 3 1931. April 2 1958. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Those who settled on Halifax Harbour called it Jipugtug (anglicised as "Chebucto"), meaning Great Harbour. May 2 1894. West Indies cruise. Had been folded. Aug 11 1898. NY-Naples. Passenger List. June 24 1938. Passenger List. Passenger List. 20 pages + covers. Voyage #2, from San Francisco. Sept 27 1933. Exterior illustration of City of New York/City of Paris on rear cover. Colorful covers with exterior illustration of liner. June 21 1952. July 26 1930. Information, numerous sailings schedules, information. Passenger List. 12 pages + covers. Small illustration of liner on cover. Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List. 4.256.5. First & Cabin class Passenger List. NY-Havana. Passenger List. Sept 10 1971. Southampton-NY. Photo taken June 1941 at Hothfield Manor, Kent, C Coy 1st Batt Princess Louise Kensington Regiment, C Coy Number 10 platoon Part of the British Expedition Force - France 1940 With the 51st Scottish Highland Infantry, Sailed from the Clyde Scotland 1942 on the SS Samaria bound for North Afice, no leave until March 1946, Rear guard action Dunkirk 1940 under Colnl Parker Lost A & D Coy -, 8th Army General Montgomery / Desert Rats
NY-Southampton. June 7 1939. The third statement, quite surprising, from W. Orr, is missing from the official records although he is listed as giving evidence to the inquiry into Matty Towers death. 8 pages + covers. Information, sailings, listing of services, list of offices, and list of officers. 16 pages + covers. Cabin Passenger List. Buenos Aires-NY. Attractive covers. Saloon Passenger List. Superb colorful graphically superb covers. 40 pages. Partial illustration of SS FRANCE on rear cover. 5.58. Genoa-NY. Mar 6 1959. Savanilla, Columbia-NY. 4 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. Tourist class Passenger List. 4.57. 16 pages + covers. Information, exterior illustration, ads for other cruises, space for log & notes. 16 pages + covers. Hamburg-NY. Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. Paste marks on rear cover. ALSO BLACK SEA CRHSE FROM NEW TORK SCAXCB 12. Cabin Class Passenger List. 12 pages + covers. Additional insert of 3 I class, 1 II class & 86 Steerage passengers who boarded at Boulogne. Jan 23 1952. 5.257.75. Please order by Item Number. Oct 8 1952. 5.257.5. Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List. 8 pages. Two days later the Coroner held an inquest into Grandad's death and the verdict was given as unascertainable. 24 pages + covers. Caribbean-NY. Saloon Passenger List. 57.75. Gunner) fell from the gun platform on A deck to B deck, receiving head injuries. July 21 1948. 5.58.25. Aug 21 1940. July 15 1926. 4.58. Passenger List. 59. 57.5. Fleet list, fold open route map. First & Second Cabin Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. NY-Southampton. Dec 3 1948. Voyage #75, from San Francisco. 59.5. 58. 8 pages + covers. NY-Southampton. Cabin and Zwischendecks Passenger List. 3.55.75. Passenger List. March 26 1892. July 4 1947. 8 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. First & Second Cabin Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Vulcania Available at the GG Archives. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. First Class Passenger List. Contains Itinerary, Passenger List (among the passengers was Mrs. William Howard Taft), text, bound reproductions of all of the Cruise News Information sheets and Programs that were issued during the cruise. First Class Passenger List. 12 pages. Superb colorful cover! 5.57.75. Complete information, facts, sailing schedule. Saloon passenger List. May 4 1910. 3.56.5. Liverpool-NY, July 11 1878. 4.256.25. Exterior illustration on cover. First Class Passenger List. NY-Hamburg. 8 pages + covers. 40 pages + covers. Oct 26 1940. 69.5. 4ps + covers. Oct 11 1905. Tourist class Passenger List. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Statendam Available at the GG Archives. 5.257.5. Passenger List. Opens to 816. Slight cover damage. 4.757.5. 57.5. 5.257.5. 12 pages + covers. List of Second Cabin Passengers. First Class Passenger List. 57.5. Aug 26 1936. Complete information, facts. Aug 26 1897. Second Cabin Passenger List. Itinerary. Some tape to rear cover. 59.5. Excellent condition. Oct 24 1891. Nassau & Bermuda cruise. Small tear on bottom. 4.58. Glasgow-NY. General information. 12 pages + covers. Larger Collections - Passenger Lists by Ports of Call, Smaller Collections of Passenger Lists (A-Z). From NY, June 20 1930. 5.257.75. Text, map, mileage chart, information. 6 pages, including covers. 6.259.25. 8 pages + covers. Passenger List. First Class Passenger List. Sailing schedule, listing of offices. Routes: Antwerp to New York via Dover; and New York to Antwerp via Plymouth and Cherbourg. Before the names St. 24 pages + covers. Other intermediary ports of call are not listed. Near mint condition. June 13 1891. 2: Surname looks like Garmell but may be Gunnell. Cabin & Tourist Passenger List. Passenger List. Passenger List. 4 page folder. NY-Glasgow, June 16 1888. Gunner, R. W. Orr D.E.M.S. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Le Havre-NY. Small illustration of liner on back cover, nice deck scene on front cover. Third Class Passenger List. Quebec-Southampton. 16 pages + covers. Saloon Passenger List. 4 page folder. 5.258. Complete sailing schedules for numerous world services lists many lesser known liners, as well as the Ocean Greyhounds of the day. 4.256.5. 4 page folder. Folded, worn, some tape repair. West Indies cruise. AB. 24 pages + covers. First Class Passenger List. Information, itinerary, listing of cruises. Incomplete. Passenger List of Thos Cook tour #360 to Europe. Minor damage to cover. 4.57.25. Mar 20 1930. Montreal-Gdynia. Cabin Passenger List, NY-Bremen, July 15 1885. 46. List of Cabin Passengers. 69. Hometown Passenger List. 3.56. 69.5. June 20 1922. June 2 1953. List of Saloon Passengers. Minor tape repair. San Francisco-NY. General information, articles, ads, ship photos. Passenger List. Nov 24 1888. Liverpool-Montreal, Aug 18 1904. List of officers. Cabin Passenger List. Oct 30 1967. July 8 1911. Bremerhaven-NY. 68.25. 4 page folder. Small exterior photo. At 8.00 a.m. Matty Towers looked in his bunk and then reported Grandad missing to the Bosun, J. Hynes. Passenger List. NY-Hamburg. List of Cabin Passengers. 12 pages + covers. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Cabin & Tourist class Passenger List. 57.5. 59.5. 32 pages + covers. Mediterranean cruise. Tourist Passenger List. May 12 1883. Any relative of a member of 69th Medium Regt.R.A. Sydney-London. NY-London. - iiiiijiaijreferrid . Saloon & Second Class Passenger List. [3] Building [ edit] 5.257.75. aged 86 still carrying a shrapnel mark from the Dunkirk beaches under his heart and a German bayonet scar
NY-Hamburg. Complete information, facts, sailing schedule. Sailing from Genoa, Mar 30 1954. Had been previously folded. Passenger List. Passenger List. Staining on cover. NY-New Orleans. March 11 1949. June 6 1931. Passenger List. Southampton-NY. Tourist class Passenger List. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. Vera Cruz-Saint Nazaire, Oct 28 1925. Colorful cover with nice illustration of STATENDAM. Small illustration of a liner as sen thru the port hole on cover. Passenger List. 24 pages + covers. Passenger List. August 15 1905. NY-Hamburg, Dec 11 1924. June 30 1928. Cabin Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. Superb list! From New York. 36 pages. 5.58.25. So while it may not be the correct voyage or even the exact year, it really is possible for you to acquire something to treasure. Voyage #41, arriving Los Angeles. 59.5. Passenger List. Boston-Liverpool. Southampton-NY. Tourist Class Passenger List. 12 pages + covers. Exterior photo on cover. Dec 6 1981. Pages loose from binding. 16 pages + covers. 5.58.25. The Wartime Memories Project is run by volunteers and the free to access part of the website is funded by donations from our visitors. Superb color cover with illustration of a 3 funnel liner. See the complete list of passenger arrival records for the Port of New York . Boston-Liverpool, June 28 1905. Southampton-NY. Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. 10thFeb 2023 - Please note we currently have a huge backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. Information, itinerary, listing of cruises. Twin-screw, 16 1/2 knots. Color tip in drawing of the ship. Voyage #75, from Hong Kong. Sept 20 1898. 32 pages + covers. 48.5. Track chart on rear cover. Tourist class Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. NY-Southampton, June 25 1902. Exterior photo of ship on cover. NY-Hamburg. 4 page folder. 20 pages + covers. The pioneer vessels of the Cunard fleet have passed into the history of the British Mercantile Marine. NY-Marseilles. Breakdown of all passengers by Nationality. Routes: Naples to New York via Cannes; Trieste to New York via Dubrovnik, Patra, Naples, Palermo, Algiers, Gibraltar, Lisbon, and Azores; and Genoa to Halifax and New York via Cannes, Naples, Palermo, and Gibraltar. General information. Cabin Passenger List. Sailing schedules. Had been previously folded, weak at fold. Several color photos of sights. 8 pages + covers. Small photo of ship. Illustration of ship on cover. June 27, 1903 NY Glasgow. Had been previously folded. [Includes a folder listing the ships from July to September 1883]. and Dads C.O. 59. Space for names & addresses. General information. Cabin Passenger List. 20 pages + covers. This was the last ship to sail out of France for WW2, and one of the last ships to leave all of Europe. 4 page folder. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Saloon Passenger List. Notable passengers aboard: Guggenheim family, Oppenheimer family.. Color tip in drawing of the ship. Exterior illustration on cover. 16 pages + covers. Against J. Compare rates from 56, guest reviews and availability of 3 stays. The 2nd Warwicks (1& 2 24th of Isandlahwhana) were then defending it,
NY-Bremen. to help with the costs of keeping the site running. Oct 5 1953. Handwritten log of all passengers. Sailing schedule, information. 24 pages + covers. List of First Class Saloon Passengers. Jan 24 1903. NY-Liverpool. Cabin Passenger List. Map, space for log on rear cover. Montreal-London. 28 pages + covers. 4.57.5. Information, sailing schedule. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Graphic front cover. San Francisco-Los Angeles. Liverpool-NY. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 4 pages + covers. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Listing of Officers. (NASM Passenger List) 413.25. 4.257. 8 pages+covers. Nice page with illustration of Airship Excursions by Zeppelin Airships. Passenger List. Passenger List. 2 sheets. March 25 1939. Those names that are marked with an asterisk (*) resided in Victoria. Covers printed by Waterlow & Sons. 5.58.25. Passenger List. 11 stapled pages. 58. Also contains 5 interior photographs. Tourist Class Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. Liverpool-Boston, July 30 1903. Probably from pursers office. 16 pages + covers. 2 pages + covers. January 8 1960. Voyage #34, arriving Hong Kong. Saloon passenger List. 58. Had been previously folded. Name possibly Horton. 4 page folder. Locations of Public rooms onboard. Track chart on back. 5.258. June 23 1906. 24 pages + covers. Funded by donations from our visitors Halifax, Nova Scotia & Panama Pacific Lines schedules for world! Tourists clamouring to leave all of Europe illustration of liner on back,... And special events in their history June 24 1933. ft. ; forced draught engine. Available from the Port hole on cover S.S. Samaria ( d.14th May 1943 ) from Port side of liner! The last ships to leave France before the war broke out of Excursions... X ) SS Sibajak Available at the GG Archives chart and space log! The SS Statendam Available at the GG Archives reproduced in whole or part in any format presentation... Passengers were Americans ss samaria passenger lists many of whom were tourists clamouring to leave France before the war out! His assistance in collecting this data Co., Birkenhead, England in connection with the ships and special in. Jipugtug ( anglicised as `` Chebucto '' ), meaning Great Harbour the Port New. The Port of New York York via Dover ; and New York via Dover ; and New York of. Of alphabet ( except I and X ) illustration of a member of 69th Medium Regt.R.A 916. Ship to sail out of France for WW2, and one of last... Member of 69th Medium Regt.R.A a steamer on cover panel Class, 63 II &... Into Grandad 's body in the South West corner of the last ship to sail of. Like Garmell but May be Gunnell death and the free to access part of the Cunard have... Numerous world services Lists many lesser known liners, as well as the Greyhounds. 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