my boyfriend chooses his family over me

I even tried to break up with him a couple of months later, because I thought the differences in our backgrounds were too great. No referencing hateful subreddits and/or their rhetoric. When we fly home, my boyfriend and his mom barely speak to each other. It was too much for me to deal with, and I thought the best thing for us was to part ways. 226K views, 329 likes, 168 loves, 7 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from My Story Animated MSA: Of course he is commited, it's just he has 3 different sets of family to see, its always going to be tricky but smile, because thats what makes him unique. He didn't invite me to come with him to either one. We'll be on the phone or a Zoom date and she always needs him for something . If couples dont create boundaries with them early on, they can be persuaded into thinking their partner isnt good for them. Privacy Policy. And hurt, hed rather not get. Last yr, she came on a train, "3 hrs", and spent Xmas and boxing day with me, and didn't even see her daughter, husband, and granddaughter on those days, but this yr, she's on the train and spending Xmas and boxing day with them. If he doesnt stop letting his parent destroy trust and love or taking away quality time from you, someone could fall out of love and leave the relationship. Theres a lot of things that I dont understand about this whole situation. He is not willing to sacrifice spending it with his family despite knowing I have absolutely NOBODY. Idk how thats to young to make decisions on your own life and lifestyle, they are just controlling manipulators. I'd be jealous and feel neglected, too. The sooner he excludes his mother and makes his relationship about you and him, the sooner you can expect love, happiness, and independence to start to improve. I don't think he's ready to start a new family with me at all. I know buying a house is probably the biggest decision we'll ever make, and theres so many factors to it. Husband ignores me when his daughter is around, When Someone Doesnt Trust you for no reason, What Should I And My Boyfriend Be For Halloween: Best Idea For You, Rebound Relationship Timeline: Best tips for you, Things You Need to Know to Win The Heart Of A Virgo Man -12 Secret Tips, First Christmas After Divorce: Best 7 Tips For You, 10 Rules The First Date After Divorce: Best Guides For You, How Do Guys Get Over Breakups So Fast? My boyfriend spend the weekend with his ex. When he told his mom he met a girl and was pretty serious about her, she flipped. Im glad you agree with the post. What Girls & Guys Said. As a result of his upbringing and the beliefs hed developed, he now lacks both the understanding of why boundaries are important as well as the strength to do whats required of him. You need to set boundries. Answer (1 of 13): You can be jealous all you want. Overall, I try to be understanding. YzYwMGU2ZDQ3OTBlNzg0Y2U5ODMxYWU0ZjFmNDIwYWNlMWI5MDM0ZmE4OGI0 I remember feeling completely guilty about her reaction. Why can't he take you with him to see his family? Its not fair, and it hurts that my dad is choosing her over me, but theres nothing I can do about it because theyre both gone now. Cookie Notice Boyfriend will not introduce me to family or tell his ex-wife he's dating, Friends with benefits didn't want to spend the night. You deserve to be with someone who chooses you! ZGM5ODE2ZDlmMmYwM2Q2NzU0NGNkZTE1NWIxNjQyZjhkYmZkNTAxODQxN2Rh Its okay for us to be seen in the neighborhood but he's never taken me out out in public. Being Mexican, your BF is weak, plans with SO are important and he needs to follow through. What could I have done differently? But I feel disregarded all the time. You shouldnt stay with someone whose life revolves around his mother. Can you imagine meeting someone for a few supervised lunches and then agreeing to bind yourself to that person for life? He wants to spend time with ex and children. I will soon be in your same boat of spending most holidays alone. (Includes, but is not limited to: red/blue/black/purplepill, FDS, MGTOW, etc.) I am choosing to put your kids before a relationship can be difficult. Yesterday, I asked him if he would want to spend New Years Eve together if I planned a get together at my house (I live alone) for a few friends and him. To Hell, because of me! It feels like she came first and everyone else second, making me feel like I come last. I cant believe he chose his daughter over me, I dont know what I did wrong, but its time for me to stop blaming myself and move on with my life. How would you feel if he expected you to give up Christmas with your family to be with him? I personally would never even bother dating someone who is not strong and independent. Thats why hes now trying his hardest to avoid disappointing his mother, angering her, and getting criticized by her. my boyfriend (25m) always chooses his family over me (23f). my boyfriend is playing all day long, when he comes home from work and we are cooking together, he always talks about how he looses free time with his boys on discord because he "needs to help me cook". My girlfriend is excepting me to skip out of work to spend time with My bf left me to spend more time with his kids. Njk4MGFjZTRhMzJlYzkwNzVkNDAxNjU5M2IyMTNlYzY5NjVjYjFhMmZjNzE5 If you don't hit it off with their kids, or if their kids become jealous, it can make you question . Extremely close. The good news is my parents are very tolerable, and they wholeheartedly approve of my boyfriend. They need to stay out of it to help you grow. You dont want to make your boyfriend feel attacked because if you do, chances are hell get his ego bruised and respond angrily. OTgzNTVlZjFhNTE4OGMwNjExNjYzNGEyZDYxNDM1Mzc3ZGM4OTRlMjljMzY0 We live across the country from our hometowns, because we were both offered jobs on the West Coast. OTQ4N2U0NGQ0ZTQyMDJiNDgzMTRjYTYyNDUyNzQ3NDQxODU1MTFhZjk2MTY5 You can only rejoice because you can finally stop worrying about his invasive mother and the problems she brought to the relationship. he is mexican & has a very large traditional family, meaning they're always getting together in large groups for birthdays, holidays, everything. So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and we have had our ups and downs through the time we've been together for different reasons but most of our arguments come from him choosing his friends over me. Its part of the culture to have the closeness with familyto the point for some of exclusivity. You have to accept them if you wish him to remain in a relationship with you. If hes a good bf, hell understand why youre feeling that way. but my boyfriend & i had plans to go out, just the two of us & have sort of a date night. im super annoyed & hurt. If your husband is choosing his family over you repeatedly, then you have to remember he has been psychologically conditioned to do so since his childhood. I'm inclined to tell you to break it off and get involved with someone who treats you like a full partner in everything, not a frilly add-on. So anyways to get to the main point is that literally ALLL the time he makes plans with his friends but doesn't go through me first. 2. I have a friend who is trying to get away from this dynamic. My boyfriend doesnt show me any love anymore. And I dont know what to do because it seems like hes the one who has all the power in our relationship. ITS ALL ABOUT MOM. 7 months ago the person I thought i would spend the rest of my life with le My family hates my girlfriend. But I've come to accept that this is just the way it is, and her beliefs will never budge. It makes me wonder if there is something wrong with him or if it just means we are not meant to be. I spend everyday with her at college, but she wants me to spend a holiday with her. He's prioritizing her opinion and feelings over yours and doing what she wants him to do. My boyfriend eventually talked me off the ledge. It wont be easy for him to decrease his attachment and influence by his mom, but hell need to do that if he wants to have a healthy relationship with you. Will this continue till we get married and have children? how to make your boyfriend choose you over his family, my boyfriend always chooses his family over me, My boyfriend's family is ruining our relationship, My boyfriends mom is ruining our relationship, The Difference Between Love You And I Love You. I deserve love as much as anyone else does! If he chooses to do so respect it and just focus on the good stuff of the relationship. Hed been wired to avoid pain and drama by yielding to superior forces. A perfect guy, but he ended up having to choose between me and his mother. This heart-touching letter captures the feelings of every wife, who has been ignored by her husband; whose husband chooses family over his wife. Thanks this is really helpful. Dont get me wrong. Please make sure you read our rules here. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Does your boyfriend choose his mother over you? I cant imagine what it would be like to know your child was going to die. Relationships are one of the prime factors in life. He's living the high life and probably enjoys Tom's . First of all, you cant make your boyfriend do what he doesnt want to do. OGVmYWYyNjVjN2FmZTk3YmM3YWNkNDc2ZGRjNjgzODk2NjBkYzczOGE4YThi A mother with overprotective tendencies usually doesnt have a lot going on in her life. Her weekends are filled with this and she knows it will doom her. You are not going to be his priority. or situations/content involving minors. If you can't compromisedon't be in a relationship period. NDUxZjNhMGZjYzNjMDcwNWRiYWM3Y2ExNmQ5MjhkM2QwODMzNjAzYmE4NDc0 It'snot a good future you two are going to have. He Chose His Daughter Over Me, and Im Still Wondering Why He chose his daughter over me. Wanda says: Nothing like being a third wheel behind a four-legged friend. See additional information. ZWY5MGNhZWUzMTEzOTFmZjc2M2I0ZmEwMTg5YTFiYWZiZWIzZTE1MDU4MjAz Despite committing to you and telling you he loves you, the guy is showing you that youre not his number one person and that things will stay that way for as long as his mother is around. The result is something ofestrangement from his mom. Thats why you can probably expect him to keep letting his mom say and do what she wants. #2. Shed do something he isnt prepared for and hurt him badly. He Chose His Daughter Over Me means that my boyfriend didnt like it chad me for his daughter, and Im hurt by that because all he ever does is take care of her. No parents will decide our kids names and decide where we live etc. Well discuss why he chooses his mom, what his mom is doing to the relationship, and what you should do about it. His family should be making room for you in their lives. NTg2ZWU0ZTMzOTc1ZDMzZGVhZDg5MDZjZTAyYmJhYTE4OTY5M2E5MzYwNTgw In the end, I cant change who he chose, so instead of wasting my time and energy, I am focusing on myself because at least then no one will have to choose between their child and me.In this case, it seems clear that they are prioritizing their family obligations over whatever feelings might exist for themselves.. For example, they may talk every day, meet every weekend, frequently offer opinions, and discuss what your own family would never dare to broach. I'm in a situation where I've been in a committed relationship for 15 years. So, in a way, I feel bad for his mom. Daughter Chooses Boyfriend Over Her Family It can really hurt when your daughter prioritizes her boyfriend over her family. I want a newer house closer to work. They have no right to tell you youre too young to make life decisions when youre in ur mid 20s? NmM5ZjBhNTI5NjdiZTRjOWRmNzRmMDVhNzk3YzYzNGE1ZmZhMjEzZjdlMTBl Each year a load of my family come down to spend the Christmas period with us and it is full of (drunken) great times. My boyfriends daughter is always around, and its like she never leaves. Any infractions of this rule will result in a ban. Its not unusual for men to listen to their mothers as many sons and mothers have strong bonds and get along well. She's a psychiatrist and a strict Muslim, and she hates me. ZGQ0YWE1OTIwNzQ2YzIwMTgzOTRhZTVlMDNkMGUyOGY5MWU2MGRmNTdlYjM5 We never saw him the 5 years he was married. At the end of the day he will choose his children over you if you kick off or refuse to speak to them. And whenever he makes a big purchase, he has to call his family for approval. Is that weird? One day, she might run after it, realizing what she's letting go but I won't count on it. If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you, your boyfriend isn't just agreeing with his mother and listening to her advice. I feel betrayed to be honest. She hates my dad. . Exactly. That couldn't be further from the truth. This is an automatic comment that appears on all posts. The thing that got me mad about my ex was that he chose his daughter over me. ZjNjNmU4YWIyYmUwNGU5ZWE2MTQ2OTgzODY4NjAzNTM5MDBkMjMyZDcxMjYy LEAVE HIM! I heard those kind of problems from friends My ex also cheated on me in our relationship, so this is why I want my husband gone. We have been together for just over 2 years and I spend pretty much everyday at her house until late yet that is not enough - and she was on holiday for Christmas last year but I am expected to drop everything. Thanksgiving isn't such a big deal, but i've already invited him to go with me to my sisters if he doesn't plan on spending it w/ his one an donly brother. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. -----BEGIN REPORT----- An ultimatum should be the very last thing you give to solve a relationship crisis. But because she never encouraged her son to be independent, she now feels a strong need to stay close to his son and protect him from danger.. You need to build your own family with a guy, not his dad selecting names for kids and having longer daily commute just to see his family. Y'all tripping. Hes always telling me how his daughter is the most important thing in his life, and Im not happy at all about that because he barely talks to her or says anything nice to her, so it makes me feel like he doesnt care about my feelings either. He deserves so much more than what happened, yet here we are. I've been thinking about divorcing him for that.. Its time to take care of my needs and think about myself. In the end, when I say that I dont feel like hanging out with his friends and that I want to just stay at home and just chill with us two, he gets frustrated with me and turns it on me, making me feel like crap in the end, making us ending up chilling with his friends. - SMART RELATIONSHIP. He did say he'd come over in the day time and spend as long as he could with me before he had to go to this party. Every decision he makes has to be approved by his family. Danielle. Maybe his family asked him to be with them and although he planned to be with you he felt the right thing was to be with his family like a way to show he respects them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I don't know what to do, I don't want to lose her. He's charming, funny, sweet, endlessly patient (seriously he takes my constant button-pushing like a champ), ambitious, handsome, and happy. for example today there is a birthday & they mentioned just a couple hours ago that they were doing a dinner. Your boyfriend is basically letting his mother control him and making him seem incapable of . Guys Get Better With Time: Why Do Breakups Hit Guys Later? This is not " close' this is toooo much. He has known his mother all his life. There are some men that have been so programmed to "choose" their mother that even when they get married the wife does not end up in first place. Your family will always be there and should not come first because your by default you share the same DNA. I had hoped that he would choose me over her until she was older and more independent, or at least be willing to give us both equal time so we can have some semblance of a healthy relationship., The problem is that my boyfriend doesnt want his daughter any less than I want him. Will definitely have another talk with him about setting boundaries and go from there. relationship because of this. Totally agree when you said relationships are hard enough with just two people. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. They dont need a third person meddling with their business and giving them conflicting advice. I've told him I feel this way and of course he told his parents and sister. MGM0ZDU4NWU1NjhjZjRmMzZjODVlZjU2ZWQ2ZmUzOWI1Njg2ZjU2ZmMzNzhh She was lucky that he drove an hour away to be with her on Christmas day night but that was only in the later years of their relationship before they got married. Boyfriend chooses his sister over me. MTg2ZDZkMjEzN2M3MWEzYzdlMWUzMjUyMmZlNTQ1NWQ4NDQ1YjQ2ODY1YTVk Hed been raised to believe that mothers have absolute power and the last say no matter what their sons believe and want. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. MGY3ZjUzYzUyODk3MGI4N2JiYzM3OGE4YjJhZGJlNzZlZDMzNGJhYTcwNzUx His family is set on a location close to where they currently live, even if it's an older house and far from where we both work. We are thinking of buying a house together but while house shopping I realized how much he cares about his family's opinion. Vacation what about my mom. I dont know what to do about this relationship because he isnt willing to make any changes. Yes it will continue hes 3 years shy of 30 and still needs mommy and daddy to tell him what to do! what should i do? ODMzMTU0MDAxMzkzYzQ4M2ZmNjU3NjhhNTY1ZmEzNDZmNjZiZWZkZjgyY2Zk She's being selfish. But she knew he was a man with children when she met him as he was always honest about his 3 children. I think if your case the only thing you can do is rotate every other year. Well in my opinion he is not wrong choosing family over relationship, it also depends on what circumstances he chose his family. I know we were raised differently. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I don't want my family to feel like I no longer care about them. Ive said that its not fair as all my family are coming including my elderly grandparents. Forcing time together or forbidding him to go in order to try to fix your relationship when he clearly values family above all else will not help your relationship at all. Her role is to be supportive of her sons decisions and encourage him to deal with his mistakes maturely. ODU4NjRjNGIzZTFiMDY2Yjg2Yzk1NTk4MWJjN2E1YzcwZTg3Mjk2MmQzOTlk That is complete BS. He never wants me to be anything more than a friend, and thats hard because it feels like he chose her over me and didnt care about what I want out of this relationship. If you don't get on with his family and can't face going with him, make **** sure he makes quality time to spend with you in the following couple of days. YjY5OTdmZjFiZWNmZjA2MDU4OGU2NzZkYWJkYjlkZjQ1ZTcyNjg5ZTAyZDIy Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You raise kids who have no idea what a loving, high-functioning, healthy, mutually respectful marriage looks like. It will create new ones. You might feel like you're always coming in second place and that his family is more important to him than you are. You both need to figure out a compromise and agree to it, and then he discusses it with his family. Meant to be with someone who is trying to get away from this dynamic controlling manipulators thing you to... 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