Saudi Arabia on Oct. 12, 2020 failed in its bid to become a … Election of Saudi Arabia to UN women's rights council ... April 24, 2017. As of August 2020, they continue to await trial in a Saudi prison. Iran’s election to the U.N.’s top women’s empowerment body this week despite having a poor record has drawn outrage from rights … UN elects Saudi Arabia to Human Rights Council, oversight ... The United Nations (UN) Economic and Social Council, made up of 54 members including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, rebuked Israel for allegedly violating women’s rights. Why is no one outraged by this? Russia and Cuba were running unopposed, but China and Saudi Arabia were in a five-way race in the only contested race for seats on the Human Rights Council. 40TH SESSION OF THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL DELIVERED BY H.E. Russia and Cuba were running unopposed, but China and Saudi Arabia were in a five-way race in the only contested race for seats on the Human Rights Council. Why is no one alarmed by this? How could Saudi Arabia elected to be a member of the UN Women’s Rights Commission? . The international human rights movement has been very disappointed to see Saudi Arabia regain its seat on the Human Rights Council. Human rights and women's rights do not exist in Saudi Arabia. Such actions are punished with jail time, or worse, should the woman be caught. With Saudi Arabia on the commission designed for promoting women's rights, you might as well have a panel of rapists gather together to write up the protocols for handling rape cases. Britain, Switzerland, Canada, and Israel all criticized the country’s current practices which allegedly include “severe discrimination against women … Saudi Arabia will join the top UN women’s rights council for a four-year term starting in 2018. What if the worst human rights violator make the majority in the UN Human Rights Council? "The international community finally woke up," the son of a detained reforming cleric said. Image courtesy Pixabay. Saudi Arabia last week expressed its rejection of any attempts to politicize human rights issues, specifically by countries that commit human rights violations and criticize others, in a … Despite all this, Saudi Arabia won a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, along with other countries with questionable human rights … The conservative Gulf monarchy is the only country in the world where women are barred from driving Election of Saudi Arabia to UN women's rights council causes outrage | … women’s rights. To US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley: We are appalled that Saudi Arabia, one of the worst human rights and women’s rights violators, was just elected to the UN Commission on the Status of Women in a vote cast by a secret ballot during a UN Economic and Social Council session. Voting Saudi Arabia to UN Women's Rights Commission is like picking fox to guard henhouse—as he wipes feathers off his mouth from last meal. "This gives me … People are not even allowed to play music in public as music is forbidden according to Islamic Law and the Religious Police can arrest you for it. 20 Sep 2017. The UN was criticized in November for electing Saudi Arabia to its human rights council, despite its questionable record. Women in Saudi Arabia constituted 13% of the country's native workforce as of 2015. In 2019, 34.4% of the native workforce of Saudi Arabia were women. Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi Arabia are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi schools of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian Peninsula. Things are changing, but slowly.”. ... a military coalition led by the … The members of the Security Council condemned the Houthi cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia. HASSAN AMMAR—AFP/Getty Images. women’s rights. With Saudi Arabia's election to the UN's Commission on the Status of Women, Brian Lilley reminds us why it's time to reform the institution or leave. . Early History. A spokesperson for the Foreign Office said: “The UK has consistently called for the release of women’s rights defenders in Saudi Arabia, and we will continue to do so. The real problem is that Saudi Arabia was appointed to the Human Rights Council and its being a member of the advisory committee is just a logical consequence. The UN Human Rights Council has quashed an ongoing investigation into possible war crimes in Yemen. */ Saudi ambassador to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Faisal bin Hassan Trad Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations Office at Geneva . May 3, 2017. At a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights council, Saudi Arabia was pushed to more proactively work to end the prevalent human rights violations in the country, especially those against women and children. The folks at UN Watch have been mighty angry over the election of Saudi Arabia to the UN Women’s Rights Commission. We are trusted partners for advocates and decision-makers from all walks of life, and a leader in the effort to achieve gender equality. Originally Answered: How is it that Saudi Arabia can take a seat on the Council for Women's Rights at the UN given their poor record on any human rights for that matter? Despite its questionable human rights record and restrictions on women, Saudi Arabia was elected to join the UN Human Rights Council as … UN Watch, a human rights organization which monitors the performance of the United Nations, has strongly condemned Saudi Arabia’s appointment. Most famously, women’s rights activists Loujain Al-Hathloul, Eman al-Nafjan, Aisha al-Mana, Aziza al-Yousef and Madeha al-Ajroush were arrested in 2018. Saudi Arabia won a four-year term on the UN's Commission on the Status of Women starting in 2018. At the time, the country referred to its record on women’s rights protection, which goes “in accordance with Sharia, which guarantees fair gender equality.” [adrotate banner=”12″] No joke: Saudi Arabia is running for the UN Human Rights Council—and their campaign brochure cites the Saudi record on. The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. GENEVA, Nov. 21, 2016 - The UN just elected Saudi Arabia to a 3-year term on its Human Rights Council, and Saudi representative Abdulaziz Alwasil has arrived in Geneva to take up the post. These incidents are not new, but are emblematic of the situation of women in Saudi Arabia under the kingdom’s male guardianship system. Plenary. At the time, the country … Arab group says women should not be miners. October 2, 2020, 8:13 AM. October 2, 2020, 8:13 AM. File photo of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman taken in December 2019. The vote, which was held by secret ballot, … Women’s education rights in Saudi Arabia. Women and girls have the right to an education in the Kingdom and literacy rates are 91% and 97% for women and men, respectively. June 2018: Saudi Arabia’s candidate elected UN Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, a 23-member expert body that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, reviews country reports and adopts recommendations, receives complaints from individuals or groups concerning … Allowing Saudi women to apply for passports and travel without their guardians’ permission is “an encouraging move” towards the “complete abolition of the ‘guardianship’ system,” independent United Nations rights experts said on Thursday, but more action is needed to fully dismantle these restrictions. At the time, the country referred to its record on women’s rights protection, which goes “in accordance with Sharia, which guarantees fair gender equality.” [adrotate banner=”12″] No joke: Saudi Arabia is running for the UN Human Rights Council—and their campaign brochure cites the Saudi record on. The real problem is that Saudi Arabia was appointed to the Human Rights Council and its being a member of the advisory committee is just a logical consequence. This statement was originally published on on 1 March 2018.. Saudi Arabia: UN women’s rights committee urges Loujain Al-Hathloul’s release from detention GENEVA (28 February 2020) – The UN women's rights committee has urged Saudi Arabia to release human rights defender Loujain Al-Hathloul from prolonged pre-trial detention and ensure without further delay her right to a fair trial. . The CSW is aimed at “promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women,”according to its website. Saudi Arabia’s bid to be elected to the UN Commission on the Status of Women was made in September 2016. Saudi Arabia’s bid to be elected to the UN Commission on the Status of Women was made in September 2016. The Council has 47 members elected for staggered three-year terms on a regional group basis. In secret-ballot voting in the 193-member U.N. General Assembly on that race, Pakistan received 169 votes, Uzbekistan 164, Nepal 150, China 139 and Saudi Arabia just 90 votes. Organisers said women were involved in the launch event, but that they were obliged to sit in a separate room. UN Watch's Hillel Neuer slams Iran and Saudi Arabia after they expound on women's rights. ‘Saudi Arabia arbitrarily arrested dozen women’s rights activists in 2021’ Rights group demands UN probe into serious rights violations in Saudi … The UN Human Rights Office said, "The decision to allow women in Saudi Arabia to drive is a first major step towards women's autonomy and independence, but much remains to be done to deliver gender equality in the Kingdom." “Electing Saudi Arabia to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, in a Twitter post. By bombing schools and hospitals in Yemen, while at home subjugating women, trampling religious freedom, oppressing minorities, and imprisoning innocent human rights activist and blogger Raif Badawi, Saudi Arabia demonstrates why the U.N. should NEVER have elected … The activists are allegedly sexually abused and tortured for their activism and open criticism of Saudi Arabia. Saudi women are expected to play a vital role in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA’s) development strategy, Vision 2030. By Amanda Erickson. As of August 2020, they continue to await trial in a Saudi prison. Yes, Saudi Arabia has signed onto CEDAW, but how has it improved things for women in the country? Saudi Arabia has been elected to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, despite the country being ranked by human rights experts as one of … Here’s our UN News guide to how it works and why it matters. The Election of this Country to the UN Women’s Rights Council Has Sparked Some Major Rage. Lenin Moreno Garcés, Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador, addresses the general debate of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, 19- 25 September 2017). UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. The activists are allegedly sexually abused and tortured for their activism and open criticism of Saudi Arabia. Voting Saudi Arabia to UN Women's Rights Commission is like picking fox to guard henhouse—as he wipes feathers off his mouth from last meal. The HRC, the UN body responsible for promoting human rights around the world, has long been the subject of criticism for granting membership to countries with dubious human rights records. As well as Saudi Arabia, current members include China, Qatar, Russia and Venezuela. Check it out. Saudi Arabia criticized by 36 countries over human rights. By Amanda Erickson. Saudi Arabia is a predominately Islamic nation and the law system follows Sharia law. It’d be like handing them a “get out of women’s rights jail free” card. Also available in English. The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. UN Watch, a human rights organization which monitors the performance of the United Nations, has strongly condemned Saudi Arabia’s appointment. . The United Nations Human Rights Council consists of 47 Member States elected by a majority of the members of the UN General Assembly by direct and secret … Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Saudi Arabia lost a bid to keep its seat on the 47-member UN Human Rights Council, the body which describes itself as “promoting and protecting all human rights around the globe.”. “Electing Saudi Arabia to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch. As of August 2020, they continue to await trial in a Saudi prison. Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia thus continue to reflect the country’s conflicting traditional and progressive values. Some view the Crown Prince’s reform as a mere distraction from an overarching culture that views women as property. JEDDAH: The Saudi Cabinet has approved a law to protect the rights of elderly citizens in the Kingdom. Membership on the UNHRC gives Saudi Arabia—which has the world's worst record on women's rights—the right to vo Saudi Arabia failed in its attempt to become a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for the next three-year term … The number of Saudi women holding managerial positions has increased during the past decade, with the Kingdom recently enacting new reforms toward improving on its record of female empowerment and gender equality. UN Watch's Hillel Neuer slams Iran and Saudi Arabia after they expound on women's rights. Education is an interesting factor when it comes to women’s rights in Saudi Arabia. Although women in Saudia Arabia have been granted certain basic rights, there is a long way to go. An independent Swiss-based human rights organization has voiced serious concern about grave human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, … Women’s rights in Saudia Arabia are close to being non-existent. I share my opinion with The Los Angeles Times. (UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré)( – The U.N.’s Human Rights Council over the summer quietly appointed Saudi Arabia as head of a panel responsible for interviewing and shortlisting … This week, Saudi Arabia is bidding to rejoin the United Nations Human Rights Council. The headquarters of the Council is in Geneva, Switzerland.. Thirty-six states at the UN Human Rights Council have criticised Saudi … Saudi Arabia rebuked over detention of women activists at UN forum. Saudi Arabia’s mistreatment of women has forced some to attempt to flee and seek asylum in western countries. Saudi Arabia must immediately release all women’s rights defenders, say UN experts GENEVA (12 October 2018) – UN human rights experts* are urging Saudi Arabia to immediately and unconditionally release all women human rights defenders, including six defenders who remain in jail on charges relating to their peaceful defence of human rights. The CSW is aimed at “promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women,”according to its website. UN Watch, an independent campaigning NGO, has discovered that Mr Trad, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador at the UN in Geneva, has been elected as chair of a panel of independent experts on the UN Human Rights Council. After leaving the institution … After leaving the institution on Jan. … Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights - Mission to Saudi Arabia (A/HRC/35/26/Add.3) Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences - Mission to Saudi Arabia (A/HRC/11/6/Add.3) >>Full list of documents in the Charter-based bodies Database . By Sharanya Gopinathan. [125][126] UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer said: "It is scandalous that the UN chose a country that has beheaded more people this year than ISIS to be head of a key human … Main page of the Special Procedures The Council investigates allegations of breaches of human rights in … Saudi Arabia now heads the UN "Human Rights Council" and is a member of the UN "Women’s Rights Commission" that monitors women's rights. Here is a history of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia. “Electing Saudi Arabia to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch. This week, Saudi Arabia is bidding to rejoin the United Nations Human Rights Council. Arab group says women should not be miners. The UN is run on Sharia, not international law or its charter. What if the current Government established the position of a commissioner for Women’s rights and of course this position would be held by a man. These incidents are not new, but are emblematic of the situation of women in Saudi Arabia under the kingdom’s male guardianship system. Human Rights? Most famously, women’s rights activists Loujain Al-Hathloul, Eman al-Nafjan, Aisha al-Mana, Aziza al-Yousef and Madeha al-Ajroush were arrested in 2018. How could Saudi Arabia elected to be a member of the UN Women’s Rights Commission? HARALD ASPELUND (ICELAND) 07 MARCH 2019 ... concerns about reports of continuing arrests and arbitrary detentions of human rights defenders in the Kingdom of … 16:03. The United Nation’s highest human rights body, the Human Rights Council (HRC), will start reviewing on Monday the track records of 14 countries, including Saudi Arabia and China. What if the worst human rights violator make the majority in the UN Human Rights Council? Belgium urged diplomats to vote for Saudi Arabia in UN women’s rights commission – leaked emails Leaked emails show that the Belgian delegation was instructed in advance to vote for the appointment of Saudi Arabia to the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), and to make sure its support was known to the Saudis, UN Watch reports. We call on you to tell us how you voted and to speak out publicly against this outrageous … In September 2015, Faisal bin Hassan Trad, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, has been elected Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council panel that appoints independent experts. Ecuador- President Addresses General Debate, 72nd Session. It’s hard to fathom the scale of the U.N.’s hypocrisy on human rights, but electing Saudi Arabia to the Commission on the Status of Women gives some indication of its depth. Deputy America Editor. The Saudi-led coalition has rejected the findings of a report by the UN Human Rights Council that strongly condemns the egregious violations committed by the foreign forces in Yemen. And how could a place on the committee be anything more than fake feminist cred for Iran? Britain, Switzerland, Canada, and Israel all criticized the country’s current practices which allegedly include “severe discrimination against women … SAUDI ARABIA 2020 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT ... women’s rights, including a court ruling that a woman living independently did not ... On September 7, the UN Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2020 UnitedStates Department ofState • Bureau of … Women’s Rights? United Nations elects Saudi Arabia to women's rights body Saudi Arabia has been elected to the UN women’s rights commission, prompting outrage from human rights groups. The UN recently voted to reelect Saudi Arabia to its 47-nation Human Rights Council, for the 2017-2019 term. Believe it or not, Saudi Arabia was elected to the U.N. women’s rights commission. A functional Commission of the UN Economic and Social Council, the CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and … With Saudi Arabia on the commission designed for promoting women's rights, you might as well have a panel of rapists gather together to write up the protocols for handling rape cases. Riyadh’s diplomatic mission to the UN announced Saudi Arabia’s election to the council on 21 April. UN Women have an opportunity to utilize its newly found global support for the current Saudi women’s rights movement. In March Saudi Arabia launched its first ever girls' council meeting with publicity photos showing 13 men on stage and no women. In secret-ballot voting in the 193-member U.N. General Assembly on that race, Pakistan received 169 votes, Uzbekistan 164, Nepal 150, China 139 and Saudi Arabia just 90 votes. What if the current Government established the position of a commissioner for Women’s rights and of course this position would be held by a man. Saudi Arabia now heads both the UN “Human Rights Council” and the UN “Women’s Rights Commission” ... Human rights and women’s rights do not exist in Saudi Arabia. Deputy America Editor. At a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights council, Saudi Arabia was pushed to more proactively work to end the prevalent human rights violations in the country, especially those against women and children. Criticized in November for electing Saudi Arabia thus continue to await trial in a prison... Rights do not exist in Saudi Arabia women was made in September 2016 s reform a! < /a > Saudi rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul sentenced < /a > Arabia... Publicity photos showing 13 men on stage and no women the … < a href= https! Women as property, Russia and Venezuela its charter sexually abused and for! 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